About Us

After five years creating content for Australia’s leading beauty industry magazine, Professional Beauty, I am now creating content for the people I loved writing for and about ‒ beauty professionals.

During my time at Professional Beauty, I had the opportunity to meet many many beauty professionals and talk to them about their businesses, their dreams and, of course, their challenges.

One of the big challenges many repeatedly told me about was the difficulty they had trying to constantly create new engaging content for their websites.

I set up Inbox Media to help solve this problem.

I now create customised online content for beauty business owners so they can do what they do best ‒ run their beautiful businesses.

Therefore, if you need any help creating and/or improving your website’s content, get in touch.

Jenny Berich
Inbox Media

Bachelor of Arts (English) (Curtin University)

Masters in Politics and Public Policy (Macquarie University)

Certificate in Digital Marketing (General Assembly)

Professional Beauty magazine beauty editor (2015-2017)

professionalbeauty.com.au online editor (2018-2019)

Freelance writer for women’s magazines (2000-2019)

Website ‘ghost-writer’ for beauty salons/clinics (2019-current)

Launched Inbox Media content creation business (2020)